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tea act

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Riley Harris

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Q: In 1773, the colonial Sons of Liberty dumped 342 chests of British goods into Boston Harbor. The colonists took this action because of the?
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Why did the daughters of liberty boycott the tea?

The Daughters of Liberty boycotted because the British government was taxing the colonists on tea but not the citizens in Britian.

What was the most successful form of colonial protest?

Boycott - colonists stopped buying British products; it was the most successful of the protests because the British repealed the taxes when the colonists boycotted.

Against who and why did the US win there liberty?

The British Empire in 1776, mainly because the colonists did not like the taxes imposed on them.

Why was the sons of liberty established?

The Sons of Liberty was established when the British wanted to put a tax on tea. The colonists reacted to this by creating The Sons of Liberty which Sam Adams was the leader He and other colonists made a plan to dump all tea into the Boston harbor. The reason for the dumping of the tea in the harbor is because the British was putting a tax on tea and you can't have "taxation without representation". The British had no representatives to the reason why they were putting a tax on the tea. Although we know why.

Which colonists wanted to fight for the british for American independence?

The Patriots wanted to fight the British for their independence because relations with them grew more tense.

Why did British feel they had to tax colonists?

Because it is like a mother and daughter relationship. The British had control over the colonists for a long time. The British did kinda baby them for a while , then British turned. And the colonists was like what is going on; and the British wanted to control the colonists and the colonists had enough so the wanted to rebel. So to answer the question , because the British felt like they were in control because they kinda took the colonists under there wing.

Why was Patrick Henry important?

He gave the famous speech saying ''Give me liberty, or give me death.''

What was the term applied by the british to the colonists?

The colonists called the British soldiers Red Coats. This is because of the uniforms they wore, which were red. The British called the colonists Yankees.

Why did the colonists unite against Britain?

because they were fighting for liberty

Why did the british soldiers kill colonists in the Boston massacre?

Because the British soldiers hated the colonists' guts.

What did colonists do to protect british rule?

I think you are confused because it was not up to the colonists to protect British rule. It was up to the British forces.

What were some of the ways colonists protested the Britain taxes?

Another way instead of the Boston Tea Party that colonists might have done to protest the Tea Act was not buying the British tea. If many colonists didn't buy tea from Britain or just stop drinking it then the British wouldn't be making a profit from that sale and this would anger them because they need money. Maybe the British would lower the prices or make a compromise with the colonies.