

in which type of cell would you find a permanent (sap) vacuole: a plant or animal cell?

Updated: 9/25/2021
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محمد الزوكاني

Lvl 1
2y ago

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Q: In which type of cell would you find a permanent (sap) vacuole: a plant or animal cell?
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In which type of cell would you find a permanent (sap) vacuole a plant or animal cell?


What is the function if vacuole and is it in plant or animal?

a vacuole holds water for the plant cell so it would be plant

Would you find a large permanent vacuole in a plant or animal cell?

Vacuoles can be found in plant and animal cells. Plant cells have water vacuoles to maintain the water balance inside the cell. An example of a vacuole in animal cells would be found in adipose tissue. These cells have large vacuoles for storing fat molecules.

Which structures would normally be found in a plant cell but not a animal cell?

Plant cells have a permanent vacuole and a cell wall. They may also have chloroplasts.

How would you decide whether a new organism was a plant or an animal?

Plant cells have a large vacuole, which the animal cells don't.

What is and vacuoles?

A vacuole is part of a plant cell. It turns sun rays into food for the plant. An animal cell would not have one.

What organelles however would be indicative of a plant cell rather than an animal cell?

A chloroplast = where chlorophll is made A permanent vacuole = where cell sap is stored A cell wall = helps keep the shape of a cell

Which structure if found in the animal cell is much much smaller than in the plant cell?

That would be the vacuole.

What part of the cell stores waste until it can be removed?

That would be the vacuole. The vacuole stores and uses substances in both the plant and animal cells.

What cell structure storage for water and undigested food?

The vacuole stores water and breaks down materials.

Which feature would be important in telling apart an animal from a plant?

The cell structure is useful in determining if an animal or a plant. A plant has chloroplast, a central vacuole, cellulose and a cell wall, giving it a sort of square shape. An animal cell has lysosome, centrioles and cilia.

What structures would normally is found in a plant cell but not in a animal cell?

Chloroplasts and the cell wall. The plant cell also have one large vacuole instead of multiple smaller vacuoles as the animal cell has