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Process ....

it is responsible for managing the execution of the .NET programs , it is the same as JVM is for JAVA programs...

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Q: In .NET is CLR a process or a thread?
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Does CLR changes with net framework version?

Yes, CLR version changes with .NET framework Version since the API changes with version enhancement.

What is clr and its function?

It is execution engine of .net also called as heart of .net architecture

What does app domain mean?

The CLR can allow the multiple .Net applications to be run in a single AppDomain. The CLR isolates each application domain from all other application domains and prevents the configuration, security, or stability of a running .NET applications from affecting other applications.An AppDomain can be destroyed without effecting the other Appdomains in the process.

Is the CLR manages the execution of code and provides services to simplify the development process?

The CLR, or Common Language Runtime, is part of the compilation process of .NET (including C# and VB.NET) applications. It runs on top of your .NET application to take care of the managed features of those languages, such as garbage collection, memory management, and exception handling. As far as simplifying the development process, it does in respect to not having to deal with garbage collection, memory management, etc. as you do in some other languages like C or C++ Other than that however, it does not directly simplify the development process in terms of providing you built in methods and objects. For that, you probably are referring to the .NET Framework.

What about clr?

== CLR.. common language runtime is the environment in which managed code executes.for details seehttp://dotnetscoups.blogspot.comSee Related Links == See the Related Links for ".Net Cornucopia" to the bottom for the answer.

Is Net framework platform independent?

Yes. no .net is not platform independent is supports on OS .... as is need clr for Linux to support it but till now .net platform is not independent ...

Can a thread be called a process or vise versa?

No. A thread is a part of a process, but a process can not be part of a thread. Processes are always "at the top."

What is the difference between a process and thread?

The same metaphor: the difference of a person (thread) and a family (process) A process has at least 1 thread and may have many threads, while 1 thread must live within a process

How many copies of the Common Language Runtime CLR can be executing on a machine?

As many as required by the programs that require a specific version, up the maximum of 4 different version. DotNet v1.0 programs require CLR v1.0. DotNet v1.1 requires CLR v1.1. DotNet 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 require CLR v2.0 and DotNet v4.0 and 4.5 require CLR v4.0.

Can a thread create a process?

No, a thread can't create aprocess, because the environment of the thread is a part of a process which created this thread.

What is the difference between process and thread in net?

A process is a collection of threads that share the same virtual memory. A process has at least one thread of execution, and a thread always run in a process context. Thread is used to allocate and distribute the CPU work scheduling, many programs a re assigned to different threads and they are most of the time independent of each other. Eg: We can open many instance of MS word and MS Excel in our PC, all are monitored and managed by threads. Process is nothing but a program in execution, many threads can run under a process or many thread can combined under the one thread.

What is a thread in computers?

Execution context within a process is called Thread. Threads run, process does not. Every process starts with one thread.