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There is no cooling off period or grace period when buying a car in Georgia or in any other state. You buy the car under an as is policy.

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Q: In Georgia is there a grace period when buying a used car?
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Do I have any time to change mind in GA once contract is signed on a used car from a dealer?

In the state of Georgia there is no grace period after buying a used car. Once the contract is signed the car belongs to the buyer and they cannot change their mind.

Is there a 3 day grace period on buying a car in Arkansas?

No, the Buyers Remorse of Cooling Off Period laws do not apply to the purchase of a used or new vehicle in any state.

Is there a 3 day grace period in nebraska for buying a used car?

No No No, the only application of that would be if the dealership came to your door selling cars unsolicited by you.

How long is the grace period for returning a used car?

In my state, there is a 7 day grace period for anything.

When buying a used car as is no warranty in ga how long is the grace period to return it if it messes up?

You cannot return it as the buyers remorse law does not apply to the purchase of a new or used vehicle.

Is there a time period after first buying a used car in which you can return the vehicle?

in the state of Florida there is no cooling off period

Is there a grace period on returning new cars?

No, there is no grace period in any state. That is just a myth. Once you buy a new car it automatically becomes a used car worth far less. You bought it and you own it.

Is there a Grace Period on purchasing a New car in Georgia?

There is no grace period on buying new or used cars in Georgia or any other state. The only exception to this rule is if the sale was unsolicited. For example, a car salesman drives up to your home and knocks on your door. You answer, and he shows you a brand new XYZ. You decide this is exactly what I've been wanting and you sit down at the table and sign all the necessary paperwork. This would be an unsolicited sale, in which case you would then have a 72 hour return policy. If you went to the dealership and chose the car, you do not have a return policy. The sale is considered final as soon as you sign the paperwork and leave the lot with the car. Reason being is that new car instantly becomes a used car when it is titled. It is therefore worth far less than a new car.

Is there a 48 hour grace period to return car?

There is a 48 hour grace period to return a new car in most states in the United States. Used cars are often sold as-is without any type of warranty.

If you just bought a used car and want to return it is there any grace period?

NO, unless the dealer agrees.

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