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Yes, because the death does not really matter in terms of debt. One is responsible for any debts of their spouse anytime and all the time.

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Q: In Illinois is spouse liable for deceased debt?
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Is a surviving spouse liable for payment of debt on a loan cosigned only by the deceased spouse in Kentucky?

No, Kentucky is not a community property state.

Is the spouse responsible for the deceased credit card debt in Illinois----Will they take it out of the estate?

Yes the debt is paid out of the estate. If the spouse was a partner in the debt, they can be responsible. If they had a card in their own name, they may have to pay. Consult a probate attorney in Illinois.

Is spouse responsible for deceased pension loan debt when they contact 12 years later?

Maybe. It depends on what happened with the pension after the death and how the estate was handled. If the spouse inherited from the deceased, and continued to receive a payout from the pension, they would probably be liable for the debt.

Is the surviving spouse liable for the deceased spouse's debt if their name is not on the account?

If the couple resided in a community property state it is possible for the surviving spouse to be responsible for debt incurred by a deceased spouse even though he or she was not an account holder. Texas and Wisconsin are not considered "true" CP states as they treat solely incurred marital debt somewhat differently as do the other CP states.

Is surviving spouse responsible for credit card debt Nevada?

The decedent's estate still owes the money, and that debt must be satisfied before the estate can be distributed. In the case of a surviving spouse, that spouse is equally liable for any existing debts. If the deceased's estate cannot cover the debt, the spouse must do so.

In Florida is the surviving spouse liable for debt?

In Florida the estate of the deceased is going to be responsible for the debts. Indirectly, the spouse is going to pay the debts, either by a smaller inheritance or as a beneficiary of the goods and services purchased by the spouse.

Is the surviving spouse liable for a deceased spouse's debt in Tennessee?

The estate is responsible for the deceased spouse's debts. But given that the spouse typically inherits the estate, and often agreements are required to include the spouse, there is a possibility, depending upon the type of debt and the instruments they were created under. I would consult a probate attorney. * A spouse is not responsible for the debts of a deceased spouse unless the debts were jointly incurred during the marriage or in some instances the married couple resided in a community property state at the time of death.

Is a surviving spouse liable for credit crad debt and car loan under his or her deceased spouse in Colorado?

If the spouse has a Will stating "all of my debts are to be paid." Yes. If not, you just need to send a copy of the Death Certificate to each creditor.

Is spouse responsible for deceased spouses SSA debt?

yes usually the spouse is

Can a spouses wages be garnished for the others debt Utah?

In some instances, yes they can. Is the spouse listed on the debt? An example would be a joint loan or credit card. If so, that makes the spouse legally liable for the debt. If not, then no, the wages cannot be garnished because the spouse is not legally liable for the debt.

Is the estate liable for the debt on a surviorship deed?

The estate is liable for the obligations of the deceased. They would have to settle the debts.

Is the spouse of a deceased cosigner responsible for the debt?

The ESTATE is responsible.