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a hello kitty pokeball

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Q: In Pokemon Crystal what ball is the best to use for catching the Red Gyarados?
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What does a dive ball do on Pokemon?

its more effective on catching pokemon that live in the water

How do you get a master ball in Pokemon Crystal?

To get a Master Ball in Pokemon Crystal you have to defeat all the gym leaders then talk to professor elm. I advise you to keep the master ball for luigia.

What are the best balls for catching psychic Pokemon?

a luxry ball

What is the best ball for catching regigas Pokemon pearl?

I would use a master ball.

What ball is the best to cathch a weak Pokemon?

any ball that you have the better the ball better the chances of catching it

What is the difference between a poke ball great ball ultra ball and a master ball in Pokemon red?

The difference between these balls in Pokemon is the likelihood that you will catch a Pokemon with each. A master ball theoretically gives you 100% chance of catching the Pokemon, but all the rest depend on how strong the Pokemon is, and on the percentage for that particular ball. The pokeball is the least likely, then the great ball, then the ultra ball. (Then the master ball, which is the best of all.) In some of the Pokemon games there are additional types of balls that are better at catching certain types of Pokemon.

What does a heavy ball do?

It is good for catching heavy Pokemon such as lugia, steelix and such

What does theLevel Ball do in HeartGold?

it is good for catching lower level Pokemon

What Pokemon is the master ball for?

It is for all Pokemon, but is great for catching very rare Pokemon because it never fails! :)

How do you make a pokeball into a maser ball on Pokemon Crystal?

you cant

Where to find ultra ball Pokemon crystal?

In poke marts

What does the Blue Apricorn turn into in Pokemon Crystal?

Heavy ball