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There are no hippodromes in Rome, but there is a Roman hippodrome in ancient city of Aphrodisias, Turkey and there are others in different parts of the world.

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Q: In Rome today where is a location where chariot races took place?
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Why do the Romans like to race in chariots?

Because they had not has much entertainment as we have. They only had choice between theater, gladiator fights and chariot races. They liked chariot races because this is action, adrenaline, ect. Chariot races are like car races today.

How does the circus maximus in ancient Rome affect us today?

the affect that this has is that this was made for sports and chariot races

Where would the Romans go to watch chariot races?

Roman spectators watched chariot races in a circus. Circus in Roman times meant racecourse, it did not have the same meaning as today's word, circus. In the city of Rome itself, the Ciurcus Maximus was the main racecourse.

What effect does Roman chariot racing have on us today?

Roman chariot racing was the great, great, grandfather of our modern day harness racing and auto racing. The connection with harness racing is obvious, while the auto racing incorporates the speed and touch of danger that the ancient chariot races held.

Is chariot racing still going on today?

Chariot Racing doesn't still go on today, but at events such as, latin conventions, you may have a chariot race.

Is the TT races on today in the Isle of Man?

The TT races usually take place during the last week in May and the first week in June.

Once in rome wheres the home of naval battles chariot races gladiator battles?

sergio is my name. im a gay How lovely for you, Sergio. Now to answer the question which was asked, chariot races were held in the Circus Maximus. The naval battles and gladiator battles were held in the Flavian Amphitheater, commonly known today as the Coliseum, first used in 80 AD. Before then, they were held in two smaller amphitheaters which continued to be used after the Coliseum was built. The Coliseum has been in ruins for centuries, but it is still a popular tourist attraction for visitors to Rome today

Do Romans still chariot race?

About the only resemblance Roman chariot races and our horse races have today is the betting on the outcome. True we have harness racing where one horse pulls a cart, but the horse has to be controlled, that is, he has to run at a pace or a trot. The Romans, however, had rather light weight racing chariots pulled by (usually) four horses and they ran at breakneck speed four times around the circuit.

Where roman circuses free to watch?

Yes, all entertainment in ancient Rome was free. But please remember "circus" in ancient Rome did not men the circus as we know today. The Roman "circus" was a race track where they held chariot races.Yes, all entertainment in ancient Rome was free. But please remember "circus" in ancient Rome did not men the circus as we know today. The Roman "circus" was a race track where they held chariot races.Yes, all entertainment in ancient Rome was free. But please remember "circus" in ancient Rome did not men the circus as we know today. The Roman "circus" was a race track where they held chariot races.Yes, all entertainment in ancient Rome was free. But please remember "circus" in ancient Rome did not men the circus as we know today. The Roman "circus" was a race track where they held chariot races.Yes, all entertainment in ancient Rome was free. But please remember "circus" in ancient Rome did not men the circus as we know today. The Roman "circus" was a race track where they held chariot races.Yes, all entertainment in ancient Rome was free. But please remember "circus" in ancient Rome did not men the circus as we know today. The Roman "circus" was a race track where they held chariot races.Yes, all entertainment in ancient Rome was free. But please remember "circus" in ancient Rome did not men the circus as we know today. The Roman "circus" was a race track where they held chariot races.Yes, all entertainment in ancient Rome was free. But please remember "circus" in ancient Rome did not men the circus as we know today. The Roman "circus" was a race track where they held chariot races.Yes, all entertainment in ancient Rome was free. But please remember "circus" in ancient Rome did not men the circus as we know today. The Roman "circus" was a race track where they held chariot races.

How did the ancient roman entertainment influence the current western society entertainment?

The way it influence us is as they had gladiator fights today we have boxing fights. Also back then they had flutes and whistles as we still have today. The girls played with dolls and the boys played with swords and shields. They also played handball and marbles. And another game which everyone knows is naughts and crosses. Back then they had chariot races but today we have horse races making it less dangerous and more conrolled. Back then they had bets too. Riders or jockeys were identified by colours and patterns which is the same as today. Please use this [: If this is for year 8 SOSE that is what i did its hard isn't it!

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