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The parity (odd or even) of days depends on the number of days in a month - not the number of days in a week.

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Q: In a calendar there are 515 days and 12 days a week then how many odd days will be there in that year?
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2008 was a leap year. Every leap year of the Gregorian calendar is 52 weeks and two days long. 2008 consisted of 51 full calendar weeks with five days before the first full week and four days after the last full week.

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There are 365 days in earth's year as well as the current calendar.

How many days are in a calendar year?

There are 365 days in a year except leap year when there are 366 days.

How many days are there in one year?

365¼ days in a year. The average Gregorian calendar year is 365.2425 days. The average actual tropical year is about 365.2422 days. (The average Julian calendar year was 365.25 days.)

How many week s are in a calendar year?

52 weeks

How many days does a year have?

It depends on the year, if it is a leap year it will have 366 days, if it isn't it will have 365 days. ____________________ This also depends on the culture. The Gregorian, or "civil" calendar, has 365 days or 366 in leap years. The Hebrew calendar is different, and the Islamic calendar is different from that.

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366 days - it was leap year

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270 days = 0.73973 ordinary calendar year 0.72770 calendar leap year 0.73924 earth orbital period

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