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Denying the expected reward for response to a stimulus will eventually result in the "extinction" of the conditioned behavioral response.

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Q: In a conditioning experiment what behavioral state is reached when the stimulus no longer evokes a response?
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In a typical classical conditioning experiment a neutral stimulus is?

Something that doesnt start the response by itself.

Pavlov's experiment was a typical case of classical conditioning because?

Classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus. In Pavlov's experiment the tone of a bell was the natural stimulus, and it caused salivating in response to food. Eventually the tone of the bell would produce salivating.

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When the condition stimulus is presented unpaired with the unconditioned stimulus, the conditioned stimulus may cease to evoke the conditioned response. This process is called behavioral extinction.

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In classical condotioning the conditioned stimulus will trigger the?

In classical conditioning, the conditioned stimulus will trigger the conditioned response. It is also referred to as respondent conditioning.

What stimulus elicits a response because of an innate or reflexive connection is called?

If I'm not mistaken, Unconditioned stimulus(UCS) is a term used in classical conditioning, to explain a stimulus that elicits a reflexive response, also termed the Unconditioned response(UCR) without/before any learning or conditioning.

What are classical conditioning principles?

Classical Conditioning is what Pavlov did in his very famous work with dogs. Pavlov trained his 'subjects' to salivate upon hearing a ringing bell. He took a physiological response (salivating) and "conditioned" it to the ringing of the bell. You can see how easy this would be. Every time he gave his [hungry] subject some food, he rang a bell. Eventually, just ringing the bell was enough to bring about the salivating response. This is distinct from Operant Conditioning, where you can shape behaviors (not physiological responses) by conditioning them to various rewards or punishments. This is basically the kind of process that any animal trainer will use.