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the quantum number n determines the energy of an electron in a hyrdogen atom.

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Q: In many-electron atoms which quantum numbers specify the energy of an electron?
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How many quantum number are required to specify a single atomic orbital?

All four quantum numbers i.e principle ,azimuthal or subsidiary, magnetic and spin quantum numbers are required to specify a single atomic orbital.

Which set of quantum numbers cannot occur together to specify an orbital?

Quantum numbers specify the orbitals in an atom. The set of numbers that cannot occur is n=3,I=3, m(sub)I=2 because there are no F-orbitals.

What are the different states of quantum state?

There are 4 quantum numbers that specify the quantum system. n is the energy level, l is the angular momentum, ml is the projection of angular momentum, ms is the spin projection.

How many quantum numbers?

n = 2, l = 0, ml = 0, ms = -1/2 Only the radial function R(r) of the Schrodinger wave function (psi) is needed to calculate the Energy. The radial function only deals with the principle quantum number (n). Therefore, only n is required to find the Energy. As to find the Energy states, one must specify if we are dealing with a one-electron atom situation or multiple-electron system. For one-electron atoms, the Energy states is determined by the principle quantum number (n). For multi-electron systems, the Energy states depend on both the principle quantum number (n) and orbital quantum number (l). This explanation is valid unless we are using very high resolution spectroscopic techniques, deviations will appear.

Main energy levels?

Quantum numbers specify the properties of atomic orbitals and the properties of electrons in orbitals. The first three quantum numbers result from solutions to the Schrodinger equation. They indicate the main energy levels, the shape, and the orientation of an orbital.-source: "Modern Chemistry" text book Pg.107

What are the four quantum numbers and explain what they represent?

Principal - Indicates the main energy level occupied by electrons. Angular Momentum - Indicates the shape of the orbital. Magnetic - Indicates the orientation of an orbital around the nucleus. Spin - Only has 2 possible values, +1/2 and -1/2, which indicates two possible spin states of the electron.

In craps which of these numbers is NOT in the field?

You didn't specify which numbers. The field numbers are 2,3,4,9,10,11,12. The numbers that are not in the field are 5,6,7,8

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There is no such thing. To specify that some number is "between" somthing, you must specify two different numbers, not just one.

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To answer your question one would have to speculate as to what you mean by "numbers"? Numbers of what? You must specify what the word "numbers" refers to in order to solicit an answer.

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If you don't specify a range, that list is infinite.

How many 4 digit numbers are multiple of 2?

Specify whether you are including the numbers between 0000 and 1000.

How many numbers are composite numbers?

That's an infinite amount if you don't specify a range.