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Q: In addition to Saturns Titan which other moon has a nitrogen atmosphere?
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What is the composition of the atmosphere of saturns moon titan?

It's over 95% nitrogen. The rest is methane.

What is the largest of Saturns moons?

Saturns two largest moons are Titan and Rhea

Which of saturns moons have an atmosphere most like earth?

Titan is the only one of Saturn's moons that has an appreciable atmosphere. It is most like earth's atmosphere in its high concentration of nitrogen (98% compared to Earth's 78%).

How much nitrogen does titan have?

98% of Titan's atmosphere is Nitrogen

Does Saturn's satellite Titan's atmosphere contain nitrogen?

Yes. Titan's atmosphere is mostly nitrogen.

Titan orbits around what planet?

Titan is Saturns largest moon. It has a thick atmosphere, unlike no other moon in our solar system.

One of its satellites has a nitrogen atmosphere?

Titan's atmosphere is 98.4% nitrogen; its parent planet is Saturn.

What gas makes up the atmosphere of titan?

The atmosphere of Titan is mostly nitrogen with a small percentage of methane and hydrogen.

Is titan to small to have a atmosphere?

No indeed. The moon Titan has a nitrogen-rich atmosphere which contains a little bit of methane. Titan is the only moon in the solar system to have an atmosphere!

What is the most abundant gas in Titan's atmosphere?


What moon has a very thick nitrogen atmosphere?


Does titan have air?

Yes. Titan has a very dense atmosphere composed primarily of nitrogen.