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The stars and constellations helped them navigate.

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Q: In ancient times why did sailors need to know about stars?
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Why in ancient times sailors needed to know about the stars?

well not all sailors knew about stars while the navigators needed to know about the stars to navigate the sea so that they could know where they were in relation to different continents such as Asia so that they could get to trade ports

Which civilization was know for its exceptional sailors and traders?

In ancient times, the Phoenician people.

Why did the sailors use the stars in ancient times?

In the northern hemisphere, the North Star (Polaris) is constant. Other stars are known to rise and fall at certain times of the year. It is my understanding that the Southern Cross is a constant constellation (non-moving) in the southern hemisphere, but I do not know that to be a fact.

What year were ancient sailors around?

We know that they were present more than 3000 years ago.

Was basketball Played In Ancient Times?

Not yet known, we don't really know if they did play this sport in ancient times.

What navigation tools helped European sailors know how far they had sailed from the equator?

The sailers used the sun and stars to know how far from the equator they were. Hope this helped :)

Who were the first people to study the stars?

The ancient Greeks. I know the Babylonians and Sumerians were before the Greeks. I think the Chinese studied the stars even earlier.

What did sailors eat on the ships in Tudor times?

I only know that tudors ate their food dried smoked pickled and salted

Why cuneiform important during ancient times?

i do not know lol

What skills do sailors need?

Sailors deffinately need to know how to tie their shoes. Aslo, sailors need to know how to swin, hunt, bike, rin, and how to saddle a whale.

Why do i need to know about buoyancy?

Cause without byoyancy, some sailors wouldn't be sailors anymore.

How can astronomy help you if you get lost?

If you know the constellations and stars in the sky, you can use them to help you navigate. Sailors do this by knowing which directions stars are positioned. They can then tell which way is north, south, east and west.