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Generally, it decreases.*

As you move from left to right across a period the elements' number of protons increases, increasing the effective nuclear charge (the charge felt by the outermost [valence] electrons after taking into account the shielding electrons). As effective nuclear charge increases the attraction between the nucleus and the valence electrons increases, pulling the valence electrons closer to the nucleus, decreasing the atomic radius.

*Please understand that this is not a hard and fast rule. There are other factors to take into account when determining atomic radius, this is just a general trend witnessed.

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Q: In general - what happens to the atomic radius from left to right across a period?
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What happens to the atomic radius as you go across a period?

It decreases as you move from left to right because there is an increase in positive charge in the nucleus as you go from left-to-right. Each time you go over an element it has one more electron and proton added to the principal energy level, so the nucleus pull increases and it holds the valence electron in tighter.

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