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Whatever the judge mandates. If you can go to court and get a different amount for child support, go for it. Good luck.

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Q: In joint custody where the child resides equally with each parent and the mother earns more money is the father still obligated to pay 23 percent of his net income?
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You file for it in the jurisdiction where the child legally resides.

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A motion for custody or modification to an existing custody order must be filed in the jurisdiction where the child legally resides.

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sounds like kdnap to me. does the father have custody?

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file for sole custody and file for child abuse and you will have possibly sole custody of thew child

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Child support is not based upon the reluctance of a parent(s) to refuse to be gainfully employed, the non custodial obligated parent is required to pay support for the child regardless of the circumstances . In joint custody one parent is the primary custodian, meaning the one with whom the child resides the majority of time (such as school terms). The court cannot force the primary custodial parent to seek employment simply because the obligated parent wishes to be relieved of his or her financial responsibility to the child.

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That's something that should be outlined in your custody order and if not, is dependent on the law where the child legally resides.

Is the father still obligated to pay child support even if he resides with both the mother and the child?

If court ordered? Yes. If she's collecting Welfare? Yessee link

What is the length of time to get full custody in Florida?

Thank is difficult to answer. It depends on the facts. If the child is in danger, it can happen quickly, if not, years. Please provide more facts as to the age of child, grounds for custody and where each party resides.