

In linked list there are no NULL links in?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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6y ago

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Linked-lists implemented with sentinel nodes have no NULL links. A sentinel node is simply a node that represents the tail of the list and has no data (and therefore provides no storage). Sentinels greatly simplify linked list implementations because we guarantee the existence of at least one node because the sentinel always exists even when the list is empty.

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There must be no NULL links in a linked list except in the tail node (because nothing comes after the tail). In doubly-linked lists, the head node also has a NULL link because nothing comes before the head. Every node in a list must be reachable from the previous (or next) node in the list, except the head node which is the only node we must keep track of. A NULL link would render all nodes that follow it unreachable, resulting in a resource leak -- unless we take steps to keep track of the node that would have come next before breaking the link to it. That node becomes the head node of another list.

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List insert(List l, int val) { List new = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); new->value = val; new->next = NULL; if(l==NULL) return new; else { List aux; aux = l; while(aux->next != NULL) aux = aux->next; aux->next = new; return aux; } }

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