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Heat is transferred by three methods; Convection, conduction or radiation.

If the test tube is touching anything (such as the stand or a table) then heat can be lost through conduction; the hot test tube transfers heat to the stand. You can reduce this heat loss by using a material such as wood that does not conduct heat well.

The air around the test tube will be heated, and the hot air rises away, allowing cold air to flow around the test tube. The new cold air becomes heated, and rises away and.... This is called convection.

Even in a vacuum, the heat of the test tube will be lost through radiation, as the heat of the test tube is transferred to nearby objects. If you put your hand near the test tube, you can feel the heat even without touching it. This is how the heat from the Sun reaches the Earth, even though we're not touching the sun and the 93 million miles of space between us and it is a pretty good vacuum.

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