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From the formula of the compound, each molecular unit contains 2 copper atoms, 4 oxygen atoms, one carbon atom, and 2 hydrogen atoms. Multiplying each of these by its corresponding Atomic Mass gives 127 atomic mass units ("amu") of copper, 64 amu of oxygen, 12 amu of carbon, and 2 amu of hydrogen. Copper is clearly present in the largest percent by mass.

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Q: In the compound Cu2OH2CO3 which element is present with the largest percent by mass?
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The percent composition of a compound tells the amount of each element in the compound as a percentage. It is possible to find if the mass of an element and the total mass of the compound is known.

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You think probable to the element carbon.

Percent composition describes the relative contribution of one element to the formula weight of the entire?

compound- answered by brandy :)