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Q: In the digestive system food undergoes two kinds of digestion Blake digestion occurs as the food is broken into smaller pieces?
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Why is mechanical digestion important for proper chemical digestion?

Mechanical digestion chops the food in to smaller pieces, thus exposing more of it to the enzymes of the chemical digestion.Mechanical digestion begins in the mouth by the teeth, tongue and saliva. Mechanical digestion is important for chemical digestion because when food is broken down into smaller particles by mechanical means, chemical digestion will be more efficient.

What do large insoluble molecules get broken down into?

Most large insoluble molecules get broken down in the digestive system to small (simpler) soluble molecules.

What is the digestion occurs as the food is broken into smaller pieces?

Mechanical or Chemical.

Why do humans have digestive systems?

Food must be broken down into components that can be used by your body. That is digestion. Without it, you would starve.

Where does mechanical digestion and chemical digestion occur along the digestive tract?

Mechanical Digestion happens in the mouth where your food is physically broken down. Chemical digestion happens in your intestines, where enzymes break down and absorb nutirients

What describes the mechanical digestive process?

foods are broken down into smaller parts

What is the system that breaks down and absorbs food?

The first task of the digestive system is to break down food into a fine pulp (mechanical digestion). When the food is physically broken down, digestive chemicals break the food down into small molecules (chemical digestion). The mouth is the organ in which the process of digestion begins.(Google)

Define the digestion?

Digestion is the process through which food is broken down in one's digestive system. This is done by mechanical means and the release of enzymes in the alimentary canal. The food must be broken into smaller parts or substance so that the body can utilize them.

Where does the digestive system start?

digestion starts in the mouth as soon as food enters it. then the food is broken down and taken to the esophagus where it is then taken to the stomach.

Why is mechanical digestion important for chemical. Digestion?

Mechanical digestion chops the food in to smaller pieces, thus exposing more of it to the enzymes of the chemical digestion.Mechanical digestion begins in the mouth by the teeth, tongue and saliva. Mechanical digestion is important for chemical digestion because when food is broken down into smaller particles by mechanical means, chemical digestion will be more efficient.

How do digestion system and respiratory system work together?

After we eat, the food is broken down by the digestive system and then it mixes with oxygen to produce blood.

How does the stomach perform the digestion?

The stomach performs digestion by allowing food to be broken down with the acids in your stomach into smaller particles. Nutrients are then absorbed in the intestine and the rest is flushed out of your body.