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Vacuum filtration is far faster.

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Q: In the isolation of aspirin why was vacuum filtration used instead of gravity filtration?
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why was gravity filtration use instead of evaporation

Why is vacuum filtration faster than gravity filtration?

Vacuum filtration is used instead of gravity filtration in order to achieve a dryer product in less time. The faster process of vacuum filtration allows the slurry to remain cold and in cases such as with benzoic acid more crytals will remain formed at colder temperatures. Gravity filtration is most useful when the solid is to be discarded and the filtrate (the liquid that flows through the filter paper) kept. Vacuum filtration is often faster than gravity filtration and is most useful if the solid must be kept or if a filtration must be done rapidly. A vacuum from an aspirator or a vacuum pump is used to pull the liquid through a funnel containing a piece of filter paper, while the solid is left on the paper.

Does panadol osteo contain aspirin?

Paracetamol tablets DO NOT contain aspirin.

Can disprin be taken in case of heart attack instead of aspirin?

DIsprin is a brand name of aspirin. It can be taken in case of heart attack.

Is there a well water filtration casing that comes off at the top instead of the bottom?

No, there is not.

How does crossflow filtration work?

Crossflow filtration works by pushing the feed flow over a filter instead of through it. This lengthens the time that the filter can be used and is a continual process.

Can you substitute baby aspirin for real aspirin?

Yes, you can. Baby aspirin is the same as regular aspirin, just 1/4 of the regular amount (81mg instead of 330 mg). Since aspirin causes stomach bleeding, it is advisable to only take small amounts of it. 1-2 pills of baby aspirin usually works fine for me.

What are side affects from taking aspirin and Tylenol together?

If you take a dose of Tylenol and a dose of regular aspirin together, you would be overdosing, which could lead to death, but why would you do that when you could just take Tylenol brand aspirin, instead of a different type of Tylenol and an aspirin.

What can you take instead of aspirin?

There are many medications that can be taken in place of naproxen sodium, or Aleve. For instance, Motrin, Advil, or Tylenol can all be taken in place of Aleve.

What is the expression for specific gravity when kerosene is used instead of distilled water?

Specific gravity is the ratio of density of material to the density of water, so when we use Kerosin instead of water then the value will be multiplied by the specific gravity of kerosin to get the actual specific gravity.

What does fitration mean?

filtration is a very fine seiving process. instead of a seive a special filter is used.

Why are stemless funnels used instead of long stem funnels to filter hot solutions through fluted filter paper?

In hot gravity filtration situations, a stemless funnel is used to prevent premature recrystallization.