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From what I have seen so far of the show, she will never rejoin the show. She shows up in some episodes, and stays for two or three.

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Q: In what episode of Pokemon did misty rejoin the Pokemon series?
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Season 1, Episode 61 "The Misty Mermaid".

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The Pokémon episode during the Advanced series when Ash meets up with Misty again is titled "The Princess and the Togepi."

What series and episode is the 1 were misty leaves ash?

ok i don't know the number or name of the episode but its at the end of the Pokemon joto seson srry i cant be of more help

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Both the Ash and Misty characters are from the Pokemon anime series. Ash was the first character introduced in the series. Misty was also introduced in the very first Pokemon. The Pokemon franchise first appeared in 1996.