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A cell carries out usual metabolic activities during the stage known as metaphase. This is one of the initial stages of mitosis.

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Q: A cell carries out usual metabolic activities?
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What carries out specific metabolic activities of the cell?

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The cell cycle can be divided into two major periods: interphase, in which the cell grows and carries on its usual activities; and the mitotic phase, during which the nucleus divides and cytokinesis forms two cells.

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Yes viral genes redirect the genetic and metabolic activities of a host cell. This happens when a virus enters a host cell.

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The time before the cell cycle where the cell is performing its normal functions and preparing to divide is known as the interphase. During interphase, the cell undergoes growth, replicates its DNA, and carries out its usual metabolic activities. Interphase is divided into three stages: G1 phase, S phase, and G2 phase.

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CHROMOSOMES! DNA consisting of nucleotides present in the chromosomes carries coded instructions for the cell's activities.

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The powerhouse of a cell is Mitochondria which produces the energy required for various metabolic activities of a cell.

What does a cytoplasm do on a animal cell?

The cytoplasm is the region that is enclosed within the cell membrane. The cytoplasm contains enzymes that control chemical reactions inside cells. It carries nutrients and oxygen to the different parts of the cell, and support the cell from the inside, like water in a balloon. It also is the site where most of the cell's cellular activities take place such as the metabolic pathways. The main function of the cytoplasm is to hold the cell organelles of the cell. Cell organelles are basically components of the cell which control all the activities of the cell.

What is the DNA of a cell?

The DNA is the hereditary material that carries the "code" to a cell's activities and structure.

What is the job of water molecules in a plant cell?

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