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Fossil fuels were originally either prehistoric zooplankton and algae (which became petroleum) or plant material (which generally became coal). In either case, the living organisms converted the energy of sunlight into their structures. By using the energy of the fossil fuel, we use the energy the original organisms captured, and that's the connection to sunlight.

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Q: In what way does the energy of fossil fuels come from sunlight?
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Does energy come from burning fossil fuels?

Yes, certainly it does

Which force of energy does not come directly from the sun?

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How is energy produce d from fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels (hence the name) are natural fuels that come from decayed bodies (humus or fossils) in the earth.

How can you obtain fossil fuels?

fossil fuels come from non-renewable (will not last forever) energy resources, these non-renewable energy resources (fossil fuels) come from CRUDE OIL, COAL, NATURAL GAS, NUCLEAR, sometimes wood and biomass - this depends on how it is extracted

Is it true that energy in fossil fuels is derived from the energy stored in plant and animal matter?

Yes, that's where it is usually believed that fossil fuels come from - and that's why they are called "fossil" in the first place.

Where do hydrocarbons in petrol and diesel come from?

fossil fuels

Where does the world's major nonrenewable source of energy come from?

fossil fuels homie

How fuels are used energy source?

Fossil fuels are energy sources that come from the reamins of plants and animals. These remains are millions of years old.

How did fossil fuels get there?

Fossil fuels come from once living things.

What are sources of energy that do not come from fossil fuels?

Wind, water, solar and many others.