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The QUACKER religion was started by Donald Duck, after a traumatic period of his life, when he was no longer a star at Disney Studio's. After years roaming the Himalayas he found enlightenment and started preaching Universal Love in Kentucky. He then advocated a ban on all take away food outlets.

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A difference is that within Quakerism there are no creeds or fixed beliefs that are expected to be held as a condition of membership.

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They believe in nonviolence.

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Q: In what ways did the Quakers differ from other religious groups?
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What religious group settled in Pennsylvania and believed in equality for everyone?

William Penn first brought The Quakers to Pennsylvania. Other religious groups followed.

What religious group practiced pacifisim?

The Quakers would be well known for this, and also some other groups such as Amish people.

Which English religion group fled to America?

Many groups other than the Puritans came to America seeking religious freedom. Some of these include the Jews, Muslims and Buddhists.

Did the Catholic's and Quakers have simular religious beliefs?

Well, they both believed in God. But the Quakers were a very strict Protestant religious group. They differed from the Catholics in all the ways that other Protestants did, and differed from other Protestants - and certainly from most Catholics - in the strictness of their lifestyle and their strict adherence to any and all Biblical rules.Today in the USA, Quakers have split up into various groups, varying from conservative to liberal.

How did the religion in Massachusetts differ from the other colonies in the new England region?

They were Quakers

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What religious groups were in Pennsylvania?

During colonial times there were many Quakers in Pennsylvania. Huguenots and German Pietists were also brought there by William Penn. Dutch Reformed, Lutherans, Quakers, and Anglicans, Protestants, Dutch Mennonites, Baptists, and Jews were all there along with indigenous Indians and African slaves and freemen and their spiritual traditions. A beautiful cornucopia of religions that added to our melting pot of culture. None were right, but none were really wrong either. That is why freedom to practice the religion of your choice is so important. Or to not practice any religion at all.QuakersThe Quakers were the main religious group who settled in Pennsylvania to retreat from loyalists and land ruled by the king. up up away rule kindomQuakersThe main religious grop in colonial Pennsylvania would be the Quakers. Whom had gotten there name because many other religious groups thought that they were afraid to fight. They claimed that the Quakers would "quake" when about to fight. that is false though. The Quakers wern't afraid to fight, they just didn't believe in it. They preferred to settele there conflicts peacefully.It began as a refuge for European Quakers. Other groups that found sanctuary in PA included:CatholicsLutheransJewsAmishMennonites.Quakers.

Compare and contrast the beliefs in actions of the Puritans and Quakers?

Quakers and Puritans had very little in common in their beliefs. True both left England for religious freedoms. But aside from this, Quakers and Puritans had little in common. Puritans condemned Quakers in fact, persecuting them just as much as one of their "witches." Even though both are Protestant groups, one could say that the Puritans had more in common with radical Catholics than with other Protestants. Below is link to a chart of the two groups and the beliefs back to back. Hope it helps.

What type of religion did colonial Delaware follow?

The main religion of the Delaware colony was Protestantism. However, there was religious tolerance in this colony and other religious groups lived here, including Quakers and Catholics. This colony was founded by Peter Minuit in 1638.

What cultural and religious groups populated the middle colonies?

The Middle colonies were New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. The different groups of people that settled in these colonies were the Dutch, German, and British. Native American also lived in these areas. The religious groups included the Protestant, Quakers, Anglicans, and French Huguenots, and some Catholics.

Why was the colony Pennsylvania established?

Because King Charles II owed Penn's father money, Penn asked for a charter as payment. Being a Quaker, he saw the opportunity to aid those who were being persecuted in Britain. Like other groups, many Quakers would move to the New World to have religious freedom.

What religious colony groups settled Virginia?

Most of the religious groups who settled in colonial Virginia were Anglicans and other Protestant denominations.