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To say that the Jewish and Samaritan people didn't like each other would be putting it mildly. Therefore, having the "hero" of the parable be a Samaritan was quite a shock. In addition, note that the priest (who should have been a "good guy") didn't offer to help the injured man at all - same for the others who "passed him buy".

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Q: In what ways did the parable of the Good Samaritan challenge the accepted ideas of most Jewish people in the time of Jesus?
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What is the definition of a Samaritan for a children's Bible study?

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There is no need for them to have names. Often the general names they have tell us a lot about the characters eg the rich man, the unjust steward. Or the people in the parable are pertinent to the Jewish culture of the time eg the Pharisee and the tax collector or the good Samaritan.

What lesson did Jesus teach with the parable of the Good Samaritan?

The parable of the Good Samaritan is about a man who get's mugged and robbed on his way to the city. Someone, who is walking on the same road, see him and walks right by him. Then a priest comes along, but he walks by also. Then a Samaritan walks by and sees him. He binds the man's wounds, sets him on his horse, and takes him to the city. In the city, the Samaritan takes the man to an Inn and pays for the man's stay.I wish I knew where it is found in the Bible, but I'm no help there. SorryLuke 10:25-37The priest could not help the man because then he would be ritually unclean and could not enter the temple to do his job for several weeks until he completed a ritual cleansing involving many baths and prayers and sacrifices. It was too much trouble.There were also others mentioned that passed and did not help, for reasons of less significance than the priest.The Samaritan had much less to lose in offering help due to his low social standing.

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