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President Woodrow Wilson

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Q: Who was the president who sent General Pershing to Mexico?
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Who was general john j pershing sent to capture in Mexico?

No, Pershing's Punitive Expedition was a failure.

Which president sent General John J Pershing and his troops into Mexico to capture Pancho Villa?

General John Pershing was sent to command the Pancho Villa Expedition tasked with capturing Villa. It was the US Army's response to Pancho Villa's 1916-1917 raids on US territory. The expedition was unsuccessful.

Which American general was sent to Mexico in 1916 to quiet the uprisings there?

None. Gen. John J. Pershing was sent to Mexico to capture Pancho Villa.

General pershing's expedition into Mexico was sent in direct response to?

Pancho Villa's attack on the town of Columbus, New Mexico.

What bandit did General Pershing chase into Mexico?

PANCHO VILLA had 18 American mining engineers murdered in cold blood then led a raid into New Mexico, where he killed 17 more Americans and burned the border town of Columbus. In response, President Wilson sent General JOHN J. PERSHING into Mexico with 11,000 troops to put the bandit out of business.

How did president Woodrow Wilson react to villa's violence against Americans?

He sent General Pershing to the border.

Why did President Woodrow Wilson send troops to New Mexico in 1916?

Pancho Villa attacked the border town of Columbus, New Mexico. President Woodrow Wilson sent troops to capture him. General John Pershing chased Villa but never caught him. Pancho Villa never attacked the US again.

What was Woodrow Wilson's most dramatic action toward Mexico?

In 1916, in retaliation for Pancho Villa's raid on Columbus, New Mexico, and the death of 16 American citizens, President Wilson sent General John J. Pershing and 10,000 US troops into Mexico to capture Villa. This punitive expedition was unsuccessful.

What was result of Wilson sending troops under john pershing across border to capture villa?

Gen Pershing was sent to Mexico, but was unable to capture him. Poncho Villa was very popular in Mexico, and the Mexican government objected to Pershing's presence. Pershing was in 'hot pursuit' he could never corner him.

Who was the general and future US president who was sent to defend Texas from Mexico by orders of president James K. Polk?

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Which U.S. president refused to recognize General Huerta as the leader of Mexico during the revolution

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James k Polk