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Q: In which cells of human body does mitosis occur most frequently least frequently?
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Where in your body does mitosis occur most often?

mitosis occurs most often in the skin where cells die frequently and blood since red blood cells die everyday. Areas such as the brain where cells last way longer and don't get damaged is where mitosis occurs the least

What types of cells in your body are no longer going under mitosis?

Nerve cells - or at least very slowly.

What are the two daughter cells of mitosis?

All somatic (body) cells at one point or another are involved in mitosis. The only cells that do not undergo mitosis, are the sex cells, sperm and ovum cells. Every body cell from liver to nerve cells undergo mitosis at least once. Though some undergo mitosis more often than other, skin cells for example almost constantly undergoing mitosis, while some cells like nerve cells, undergo mitosis only once or twice.

Why parenchyma is least specialised tissue?

Because it is a cluster of cells just created by mitosis

Why are cells called the basic unit of life?

Cells are called the basic unit of life because anything that is alive needs to have at least one cell. Cells go through mitosis to make more cells and to create life.

Where in the human body does mitosis take place?

Mitosis takes place in our bodies mainly to repair things like our skin cells (which are constantly shedding and being repaired) and damaged cells in our body as well as organ tissues. Mitosis is a form of ASEXUAL reproduction which occurs in plants when they reproduce (only one parent is involved). This is why parent plants are all identical to their offspring as there is no variation in genes. This is because ALL of the genes are passed from that one parent onto their offspring so the offspring fully resemble the parent. However, as humans, we have 46 chromosomes and cannot have a baby ourselves. Therefore, the process of Meiosis (sexual reproduction) takes place. When the sperm fertilizes the egg, only 23 chromosomes go to the egg and 23 of the mother's chromosomes go to the egg, making 46 chromosomes in total. Therefore, only HALF of the mother's and father's chromosomes are donated to the offspring causing variation. This is why their offspring never fully resemble one parent and no two offspring resemble each other genetically - unless they're twins! (but yet still, their fingerprints differ.) Therefore, Mitosis is a form of asexual reproduction and Meiosis is sexual reproduction. Both are extremely vital to us. Mitosis is therefore, very useful in itself as in humans, it does not contribute in the process of reproduction, but helps in repairing our body tissues and cells which is extremely vital. From a medical student

Name at least one place in your body where mitosis is currently taking place?

Mitosis is the process of cell division. This occurs in many places in your body, but most rapidly in areas that turn over cells often like the gut and skin. These are the tissues with the most rapid rates of mitosis.

What are human cells?

There are about 210 known distinct human cell types. The human body is made up of 100 trillion cells. Each cell has at least one nucleus, which houses the chromosomes. Most human cells contain 46 chromosomesHuman cells have a membrane that holds the contents together

List and explain at least 3 difference between cell mitosis and plant cell mitosis?

Cytokinesis (pinching the membrane together dividing the cytoplasm to create a new cell) happens in animal cells, while plant cells develop a cell plate in the middle that turns into a cell wall, creating a new cell.

What human cell contains the least amount of mitochondria?

The animal with the least amount of cells is a worm

How much is 30000 skin cells in pounds?

It is approximated that human beings shed at least 30000 skin cells every year. This is equivalent to 8 pounds of skin cells annually.

What types of cells divide the least often?

Answer: The internal lining of your digestive tract. Explanation: The internal lining of your digestive tract receives a lot of wear and tear. As a result, cells that line your stomach and intestine are replaced every few days. In contrast, cells that make up the rest of your intestine (mainly smooth muscle) and many of your internal organs, such as lungs, kidney, and liver, divide only occasionaly, in respons to injury or cell death.