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Q: Where Somatic sensory area is in which lobe?
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Important relay station for sensory impulses traveling to the somatic sensory area in the post central gyrus encloses the third ventricle?

The 'Thalamus'

Lobe with primary sensory center?

Parietal lobe

Interpretation of sensory impulses from the skin by the cerebrum occurs in the?

somatosensory cortex, which is located in the parietal lobe of the cerebrum. This area is responsible for processing and interpreting sensory information from the skin, such as touch, pressure, temperature, and pain.

What is the explanation for the lobes of the bain?

The three lobes of the brain are:The frontal lobe, which controls movement of voluntary movement. Example, planning walking, and saying a speech. This lobe is linked to intellectual activities and personality.The temporal lobe, which is the sensory area associated with vision and hearing.The parietal lobe, which is a sensory area associated with touch and temperature awareness. It is linked to emotions and interpreting speech.

In sensory function sensation may be described as?

In sensory function, sensation may be described as somatic. The somatic sensory system incorporates the sensations of heat, cold, touch and pain.

What part of the brain processes inputs received from the cerebral motor cortex brain stem nuclei and various sensory receptors and then uses this information to coordinate somatic motor output?

pariatal lobe

Which of the areas of the cerebral cortex receives sensation?

The primary sensory area which is located on the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe.

Which part of the brain has been damaged when there is no sensation in the body?

you cannot touch if you loes your sense of touching

What is the difference between somatic sensory neurons and visceral sensory neurons?

your face and your face

The parietal lobe processes sensory informstion from the?

The parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex processes sensory information from various parts of the body including the skin.

Where is the somatic motor cortex?

The somatic motor cortex is located in the human brain. It can be found in the posterior portion of the frontal lobe.

How are sensory receptors classified?

somatic receptors and special receptors