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Q: What section of constitution discusses the goals of our founding fathers?
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Where in the constitution does it state who can give titles of nobility?

Article 1, Section 9 says that no titles of nobility can be given. This is because the founding fathers wanted the USA to be a nation founded "of the people, by the people, and for the people"

What section of article one of the constitution discusses vetoes?

it clearly states it in the US Constitution at article 1 section 7.

What represented in the Federalist papers?

What is represented in the Federalist papers are the views from several founding fathers of the United States regarding the federalism as written within the to be ratified US Constitution. Final ratification was completed after it was agreed to include a section defined as the Bill of Rights.

What coercive power did the founding Fathers put in the Constitution to protect themselves fom the violence of the masses?

I think this might be the section 8? yes it is near the bottem this a question for a take home test by any chance because i am writting about this right now lol

What section of article 1 discusses vetoes?

section seven

What is represented in the Federalist papers?

a strong central government

Who established 4 year terms?

I assume you are asking about the 4 year term for the President. This was established by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, Article II, Section I: The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years.

What section of the Declaration of Independence discusses the king's actions?


Which section of the Declaration of Independence discusses the king's actions?


How democratic were the founding fathers or did they create the Constitution only to fit their needs?

Charles Beard and John P. Roche give marvellous (opposing) opinons on this issue. Beard's writings can be found online in full (see first link below) but, as Roche is still alive he still is trying to make money off his ideas. Find "The Founding Fathers: A Reform Caucus in Action" in a library or at a book store for more info. (In other words, decide for yourself). -Political scientist John P. Roche asserts that the Founding Fathers were not only revolutionaries but also superb democratic politicians who created a Constitution that supported the needs of the nation and at the same time was acceptable to the people.

Which article discusses the power of the congress?

article 1 section 8

Which section of a proposal discusses the possible future uses for the research?
