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Yes, I believe so.

However, it usually occurs more often once someone has already shaved a few times or certainly with someone who regulary shaves every day or every other day, as the possibility of ingrown hairs are multiplied many times over by shaving, which increases the growth of hair.

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Q: Ingrown hairs appear without shaving
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What is the purplish pimple you have on your leg?

I'm no expert, but whenever I have them they are ingrown hairs caused by shaving (although you can get ingrown hairs if you don't shave,too). I find that when I exfoliate more frequently after shaving, I have fewer ingrown hairs.

Does shaving itch?

no but if you have sentive skin. just remember to put moisture on after u have shaved because your skin dry out When hair grows back it can be itchy, especially if you are not used to shaving. When you shave always use a shaving gel to reduce the friction of the razor on the skin.

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Coconut oil can make the face appear more glossy and have a more smooth looking appearance. It can also help with filling in crevices and pits caused by ingrown hairs and shaving scars.

How do you get rid of hairs without shaving?

you can either wax or use depilatiories such as Nair.

What can be the causes of ingrown facial hair?

Causes of ingrown facial hair can include having oily skin, which stops the hairs growing outwards and forcing them inward. Shaving the wrong away (against the grain) can also cause ingrown facial hair as it disrupts the shape of the hair follicle causing it to grow the other way.

Do your leg hairs get thick after shaving?


How do you get rid of Ingrown hair on breasts?

First, pluck, don't shave. Shaving can cause ingrown hairs. If you can't tweeze it out, try an old fashioned remedy: cut a small piece of bacon fat and put it on the bump with a bandaid (no tape on areola) overnight. In the morning it will have come to a head and be ready to pluck out.

Will teabags help ingrown hair?

Some people think that teabags do help with ingrown hairs. Some people do not think that teabags help with a ingrown hair.

Why do you get painful red bumps from shaving your buttocks?

I assume the PRBs are on your buttocks and not some other part of your body, which would be a curious reaction. The bumps can be a form of folliculitis, an acne-like condition caused by irritation and inflammation of the hair follicles. Shaving with a dull razor can pull many hairs out instead of cutting them, which can cause the condition. In some cases, the bumps might be ingrown hairs, but that's unlikely, especially if your PRBs occur soon after shaving. When shaving your hairy butt, lubricate your cheeks well and use a new razor.

What contra actions can you get from waxing?

bruising, blood spotting, ingrown hairs

What is a home remedy for ingrown hairs?

all u have to do is pull it out with tweezers

Shave belly button before getting it pierced?

No.... Shaving can damage the tissue leading to secondary infections, ingrown hairs and a host of other issues. Just leave it to the professional body piercer to deal with at the time the piercing is done.