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There are only two types of inheritance in object oriented programming:

Single inheritance: where a class inherits directly from just one base class.

Multiple inheritance: where a class inherits directly from two or more base classes.

Multi-level inheritance is often thought of as being a separate type of inheritance, however inheritance relates to a derived class and those that it directly inherits from. If a base class is itself a derived class (an intermediate class), then its base class or classes are simply indirect base classes of the derivative. But in isolation, the intermediate class either uses single or multiple inheritance, even if its base class or classes are also intermediates.

Virtual inheritance is also thought of as being a separate type, however virtual inheritance doesn't change the relationship between classes within the hierarchy. the only difference virtual inheritance makes is that the virtual base class or classes are constructed by the most-derived class within the current hierarchy, rather than by their most direct descendants. In this way, only one instance of each virtual base exists in the hierarchy, rather than multiple instance as would normally exist. The actual inheritance is still single or multiple, however.

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Hierarchical inheritance is the case where there are multiple levels of inheritance in the code.


public class GrandFather {



public class Father extends GrandFather {



public class Son extends Father {



public class GrandSon extends Son {



Here the class GrandSon extends the class Son which in turn extends the class Father which in turn extends the class GrandFather.

This is hierarchical inheritance.

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Is c plus plus is pure object oriented?

No. C is not object-oriented, it is a procedural language.C++, while object-oriented, is not purelyobject-oriented. One of the requirements for a pure object-oriented language is that everything is an object. C++ still has primitive data types (int, long, double, etc.), and so is not purely object-oriented.

Which language is 100 percent pure object oriented language?

The languages C# and Ruby are notable for their pure object oriented design. You can even call instance functions on literals, such as 10.to_s (Ruby) or 10.ToString() (C#). Other object-oriented designs tend to treat primitives as non-objects, such as in Java, and are therefore not technically "100%" object-oriented.

Essential condition for pure object oriented language?

Mainly no primitive types such as int, char, bool, etc. Java could be considered if it hadn't this primitive types.

What is object oriented para diagram?

There are two types of languages. Procedure oriented language and object oriented langugae. An object oriented langugae is quite impresses from real world environment. it says that for example a classroom is full with chairs then that class is a class of object oriented and those chairs are object... Basically this makes programing very easy and short... Hope this answer was of some help...

Is c plus plus an object oriented language or an object based language?

C++ is object-oriented. It is not object-based because, like C before it, C++ supports the principal of primitive data types, which are not object-based.

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No. C is not object-oriented, it is a procedural language.C++, while object-oriented, is not purelyobject-oriented. One of the requirements for a pure object-oriented language is that everything is an object. C++ still has primitive data types (int, long, double, etc.), and so is not purely object-oriented.

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== ==

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The languages C# and Ruby are notable for their pure object oriented design. You can even call instance functions on literals, such as 10.to_s (Ruby) or 10.ToString() (C#). Other object-oriented designs tend to treat primitives as non-objects, such as in Java, and are therefore not technically "100%" object-oriented.

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It is said that Java is not purely object-oriented, because of its handling of primitive data types. The reason for this is for efficiency.

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Mainly no primitive types such as int, char, bool, etc. Java could be considered if it hadn't this primitive types.

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There are two types of languages. Procedure oriented language and object oriented langugae. An object oriented langugae is quite impresses from real world environment. it says that for example a classroom is full with chairs then that class is a class of object oriented and those chairs are object... Basically this makes programing very easy and short... Hope this answer was of some help...

Is c plus plus an object oriented language or an object based language?

C++ is object-oriented. It is not object-based because, like C before it, C++ supports the principal of primitive data types, which are not object-based.

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Java IS a pure OOP language. All types, including the built-in types, are implemented as objects.

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No, it is not strictly object oriented. Java still maintains the concept of primitive data types, such as char, int, long, float, double, boolean. And as such, these are not objects. In a true object oriented language, everything would be represented as an object, including operators. sory but wappers implement this concept n everything in java done by a class n a object it strickly follow the 3 rules of oops for detail refers java2 complete reference chapter2

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