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Disagree. Exports and imports are a relatively small fraction of the United States GDP

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Q: International trade is more important to the Us economy than to most other economies?
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How does a market economy effect other economies?

it will boost other economies.

An economy that makes extra good to trade with other economies?

Trading economy

What is a degree in international development?

A degree in international development is designed to help a person find their niche the quickly growing global economy. Learning the ins and outs of business with other countries and other types of economies is part of this degree.

What describes the part of the US' role in the global economy?

The US is interconnected with other parts of the world. Therefore, when our economy is doing poorly it reflects on the economies of other countries as well.

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Generally mixed economies generate more wealth than other kinds of economies leading to a higher standard of living

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How did the economies of Athens and Sparta differ from one another?

While Athenian economy had depended on trade, Sparta's economy had relied upon farming and on conquering other people.

Why are diamond good for the economy?

People who work in any of the diamond trades earn salaries, have jobs and contribute to their local economies. Diamonds, like any other commodity, are good for economies where they are involved.

What was an important part of the roman economy?

From its beginnings agriculture was the primary economic system of ancient Rome. The economy expanded into trading, manufacturing, craftsmanship and mining among many other areas that were the economic support for its empire. Agriculture remained an important part of Rome's economy, and as its population grew, farm products such as various grains were imported from other areas within its domain. Farming continued on the Italian peninsula however and also in Sicily.

Why are there so few traditional economies in the world today?

Traditional economies lead to less economic prosperity than capitalist and planned economies because of the efficiency of industrial production. As a result, people are voting with their feet and wallets to leave traditional economies and embrace capitalism or some other form of industrial economy.

Why Europe all though small its effect to countries economy?

Europe is one of the most technologically advanced/industrialized areas in the world, and was the first in fact. It has some of the highest economies on Earth and is a major player in the world economy, so you can see how it would effect other countries' economies.

Does a planned economy provide equality of wealth?

That would depend completely on the kind of economy being planned. Some plans/ideas for economies, such as those of the Venus Project, do emphasise equality of wealth. Other planned economies, as seen with many communist systems historically, do not provide equality of wealth.