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Nonno and nono are both Italian equivalents of the English word "grandpa." Birthplace and personal preference determine whether the standard "grandfather" (case 1) or the affectionate "grandpa" in northeastern Italy's Friulian and Venetian languages (example 2) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "NON-no" and "NO-no" in Pisan Italian.

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Q: Is 'grandpa' translated from English to Italian as 'nonno' or 'nono'?
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Nonno is an Italian equivalent of the English word "grandfather." The masculine singular noun also translates as "grandparent" according to context. The pronunciation will be "NON-no" in Pisan Italian.

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Il nonno is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "the grandfather." The masculine singular definite article and noun also translate as "the grandparent" in English. The pronunciation will be "eel NON-no" in Italian.

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Grandfather in Italian?

Nonno and Nonna are Italian equivalents of 'grandfather' and 'grandmother'. The masculine noun 'nonno'means 'grandfather'. Its definite article is 'il' ['the'], and its indefinite 'uno' ['a, one']. It's pronounced 'NOHN-noh.The feminine noun 'Nonna' means 'grandmother'. It's pronounced 'NOHN-nah'. Its definite article is 'la', and its indefinite 'una'.

What is 'Happy Birthday Grandpa' in Italian?

Buon compleanno, Nonno is an Italian equivalent of 'Happy Birthday, Grandpa'. In the word by word translation, the masculine adjective 'buono' means 'good'. The masculine gender noun 'compleanno' means 'year'. The masculine gender noun 'nonno' means 'grandfather, grandpa'. The phrase is pronounced 'bwohn kohm-play-AHN-noh NOHN-noh'.

How do you say grandfather in Italian?

nonno nonno