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Alcohol is absorbed primarily in the intestines. Therefore, keeping alcohol in the stomach (by eating food) slows its release into the intestines and therefore, its absorption into the blood stream.

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6y ago

Yes, especially when drunk on an empty stomach. You will feel the effects within a minute or two.

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Q: What affects how fast alcohol is absorbed into the body?
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Is alcohol absorbed by the body fast?


Once alcohol is in the bloodstream it spreads through the body how fast?

This is for women... Once alcohol is absorbed, it spreads rapidly into the body water spaces, so the smaller size and higher body fat content of women increase its levels. Resource:

How fast alcohol is absorbed depends on what?

It depends on the concentration of the alcohol (ex. liquor vs. wine vs. beer) and how much food you have in your stomach.

How fast is water digested or absorbed?

about 15 min your body will completely digest water

Is the blood brain barrier effective against alcohol?

yes. that's why it affects your brain so much and so fast. alcohol crosses the barrier and excites GABA which is the body's inhibitor; this is why cognition, motor movement, and memory are all inhibited or impaired.

How do you know how fast your body metabolizes drugs?

It varies on the drug you are taking as different types will be absorbed at different rates.

Can a breathalyzer be passed 12 hrs after drinking alcohol?

A Breathalyzer may or may not be able to be passed 12 hours after drinking alcohol. This depends on how much the person drank, and how fast their body metabolizes the alcohol.

Can cough mixture affect the results of a Breathalyzer test after being take 5 minutes ago?

5 minutes isn't really long enough for the cough mixture to be absorbed into your blood stream. The rate of absorption is constant, just like the rate of how fast your body metabolizes alcohol out of your system.

How carcinogens affect the body?

A carcinogen affects the body in an adverse way. Carcinogens cause the cells in the body to multiply too fast causing organs to be unable to function normally. Carcinogens are what causes cancer in the human body.

Will exercise clean your body of alcohol?

No, only time will do that. However, BAC drops at the rate of .015 per hour, which is rather fast.

How fast does water evaporate from alcohol?

Alcohol is evaporated first !

How do you get alcohol out of your urine fast?

There isn't anything you can do to speed up the amount of time it takes for alcohol to leave your system. Your body can metabolize about 1oz per hour. You can not sober up any faster then it takes your body to get rid of the alcohol. Drink lots of water, and it will help dilute your urine.