

Is Bandwagon an example of which fallacy?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Is Bandwagon an example of which fallacy?
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An example of bandwagon?

An example of a bandwagon is the making of rainbow loom bands. Joining in the bandwagon simply means joining the trend or going along with what everybody else is doing.

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Ad Hoc Hypothesis Argument from Authority Argument to Ignorance Argument From Incredulity Bandwagon Effect Begging the Question Anecdotal Evidence Correlation Evidence Circular Reasoning Conjunction Fallacy Either/Or Dichotomy False Analogy Golden Mean Fallacy Many Questions Fallacy Post Hoc Fallacy Pragmatic Fallacy Sunk-Cost Fallacy

Can anyone give an example of a fallacy?

A fallacy is a statement that is in error or not correct. "The earth is flat" is a fallacy.

What is the meaning of bandwagon in writing?

In writing, "bandwagon" refers to a rhetorical fallacy where the writer argues that something is true or good simply because it is popular or widely accepted. It involves appealing to the majority opinion rather than providing valid reasoning or evidence to support a claim.

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The argument that states All of your friends are planning to major in engineering so engineering would be a good major for you is?

It is invalid because it is based on the bandwagon logical fallacy.

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