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Nope, he discovered the Caribbeans, not America (he wishes :3)

Christopher Columbus is credited with discovering the New World in 1492, even though it had been discovered thousands of years earlier by the Native Americans. The Founding Fathers were the men who were involved in drafting the Declaration of Independence (1776), the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution (1787).

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Q: Is Christopher Columbus one of America's founding fathers?
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What would you tell a founding father?

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Why are Americas founding fathers important?

They are important because they wrote are constitution.

What were the names of Americas founding fathers?

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What was Christopher Columbus's dads last name?

Christopher Columbus fathers last name was colombo but other wise know as Columbus, you still may wonder why christopher didn't follow and take colombo because he thought that Columbus was a better name than colombo

When did the founding fathers become founding fathers?

I think on 1943

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In the US, our founding fathers.

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no.none of the founding fathers have pets

How many Founding Fathers were there?

There were 74 delegates/founding fathers at the constitutional convention

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Which ones? There are more than four founding fathers, my friend.

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The founding mothers.