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It is a Deadly mushroom

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Q: Is Clitocybe dealbata a symbiont a saprophyte or a parasite?
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What is the difference between a parasite and a symbiont?

a parasite is the organism that feeds off their prey but the prey gets nothing in return a symbiont fuses with the holder without harm or bodily harm

What is phoresis?

Phoresis is a type of symbiotic relationship where the symbiont (parasite) is carried by the host. An example of this would be pollen (symbiont) on a bee's (host) leg.

What are the advantages of parasite upon its host?

None. If it was advantageous to the host in any way, no matter how minor, it would be considered a symbiont not a parasite.

What is the theory of endobiosis?

of or pertaining to an organism that exists as a parasite or symbiont entirely within the tissues of a host organism.

How do you use the word endobiotic in a sentence?

1.of or pertaining to an organism that exists as a parasite or symbiont entirely within the tissues of a host organism. noun2.any such parasitic or symbiotic organism.

Who discovered symbiont bacteria?

Craig Cary and his crew discovered symbiont bacteria

Which member of lichen provides organic food?

The photosynthetic symbiont provides organic food to both itself and the fungal symbiont.

An animal that lives in another plant or animal and eats that plant and animals without killing it?

A Parasite is an animal that lives in another plant or animal and eats that plant or animal without killing it. Actually a Parasite can kill its host as the definition of parasite is to live off of another, A Symbiont lives with the host to boths mutual benefit, or without harm to another.

Which organelle is believed to have been a symbiont of an ancient cell?


Bacteria that live in or on plant or animal tissue without harming the tissue are known as?


Why polyps and algae have symbiotic relationship?

Yes, they do; symbiont green algae are called zoochlorellae.

A organism living in or on another organism?

The term used for an organism living in or on another depends on the nature of the relationship.- If the relationship is mutually beneficial (mutalism) then the organism can be called a symbiont.- If the relationship does not benefit the host, the organism can be called a parasite.Parasites can be endoparasites, which live inside the host, or ectoparasites, which live on the host.Some biologists use the term symbiont for any organism in a close interaction with another. This would mean parasites could also be called symbionts.