

Is ESC an ASCII character set?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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6y ago

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No; ASCII itself is the character set in this case.

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Q: Is ESC an ASCII character set?
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Because certain standards such as ASCII have different values than an Asian character set. for example, if the letter (Asian letter here) is represented by 129h in an Asian character set, then when 129h is tried to be put into ASCII, it fails, because 129h is not a valid character in ASCII, and is then shown as a box.

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Ascii is not a protocol - it describes a computer system's character set. Communication with a Modbus PLC requires an understanding of how to communicate and the protocol (set of rules) does describe this. Ascii is a set of values describing the Latin codepage set that can represent certain characters in data. There are no communications "rules" with Ascii, just a data representation.

What is the ASCII value of 92?

\ is the character for 92 in ASCII.

What is the ASCII character '?

It is the apostrophe or single quote character ('). It has the ASCII code 0x27 (39 decimal).

How many characters can be held in a computer with 5 GB of RAM?

If you are storing ASCII character set, 5 x 1024 x 1024 x 1024 characters can be held. If you are storing UTF-8 character set(s), 5 x 1024 x 1024 x 1024 / 8 characters can be held. English is a ASCII character set. Japanese and Nepalese can be UTF-8 character set(s).

What is the binary equivalent of the word Network using ASCII encoding?

ASCII character array (including null-terminator): {'N','e','t','w','o','r','k','\0'} ASCII character codes (decimal): {78,101,116,119,111,114,107,0} ASCII character codes (octal): {4,7,1,4,5,3,5,0,7,3,5,5,7,3,4,4,6,5,4,0,0} ASCII character codes (hexadecimal): {4E,65,74,77,6F,72,6B,00} ASCII character codes (binary): {01001110,01100101,01110100,01110111,01101111,01110010,01101011,00000000} When treated as a 64-bit value, the ASCII-encoded word "Network" has the decimal value 5,649,049,363,925,854,976.

IT What is a simple character set that can represent 128 different characters?

The ASCII character set is a simple character set that can represent 128 different characters, including letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and control characters. Each character is represented by a 7-bit code, allowing for 128 unique combinations.

How much memory does it take to store the letter A?

You can store any of the 127 characters in the ASCII table using just 7 bits. The letter A has character code 65 (0x41) in all ASCII code pages. The code simply maps to the character's glyph in the current code page so you're not actually storing the letter, you are only storing its code. On most systems, the smallest unit of storage is a byte which is typically 8 bits long. The 8th bit is used to determine whether the character is in the standard ASCII character set (0 to 127) or the extended ASCII character set (128 to 255). Only the standard character set is guaranteed to be the same on all systems (the glyphs may vary in style but always represent the same character). The extended character set varies depending on which code page is current. If using UNICODE wide-characters, the character code will consume 2 or 4 bytes. On Windows, it is always 2 bytes. But if using multi-byte character encoding or standard ASCII, it is always 1 byte,

Why does ASCII use 8-bit to represent an English character?

Because that is the definition ASCII represents Latin characters of the English alphabet (there are no English characters) the character set is called "Latin" The 95 ASCII graphic characters are numbered from 0x20 to 0x7E (32 to 126 decimal). The space character is considered a non-printing graphic Visit the link below for some in depth information.