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Yes, in fact you will find one or another of his short stories in a vast majority of anthologies of short stories.

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1mo ago

Yes, Edgar Allan Poe's works are often included in anthologies of American literature, poetry, and Gothic fiction due to his significant contributions to these genres. His most famous works, such as "The Raven" and "The Tell-Tale Heart," are frequently anthologized.

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It is Edgar Allan Poe.

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The short story is available now in numerous anthologies and online.

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In many books, there is a book called 'The Raven and Other Poems,' which contains 13 of Poe's more famous poems. There are several other anthologies including: 'The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe' and 'The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe.' Also, check the link below for an online "Comprehensive Collection of E-Texts."

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John Allan is Edgar Allan Poe's foster father.

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Edgar Allan Poe married to Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe in 1836

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Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809

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What is Edgar Allan Poe's birthday?

Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809.

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Yes, Edgar Allan Poe married to Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe in 1836

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Edgar Poe. He was given the name Edgar Allan Poe by his foster family, John and Frances Allan, although they never formally adopted him.

Where was Edgar Allan Poe born and what was his name at birth?

Edgar Poe. He was given the name Edgar Allan Poe by his foster family, John and Frances Allan, although they never formally adopted him.