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Bia was a Greek goddess, the daughter of Styx and the Titan Pallas. She was sister of Nike, Kratos, and Zelos.

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Q: Is Hera a greek or roman goddess?
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What was the Greek goddess Hera's realm?

Hera is Greek. Her Roman equivalent is Juno.

Is hera prosepina?

No, Hera was the Greek goddess of women and marriage. Proserpina was the Roman goddess of springtime. Hera's Roman equivalent is Juno and Proserpina's Greek equivalent is Persephone.

Is Hera a Greek and roman name?

Hera is the Greek goddess of the heaven's, marriage and childbirth.

What was Juno's greek name?

Hera is the name the Greeks worshiped a similar goddess to Juno.

How famous is Hera the Roman goddess?

Hera was a Greek goddess. The wife of Zeus and mother of some gods.

What did the Romans call hera?

Juno is the Roman equivalent to the Greek Goddess of Hera.

What is Hera's name?

greek(Hera) roman(Juno) goddess of marriage, sister and wife of Zeus(greek) Jove/Jupiter(Roman

How did June get its name?

The roman goddess, junius, which is also the goddess Juno in roman/greek mythologyThe month is named after the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter and equivalent to the Greek goddess Hera.

What was hera the roman goddess favorites?

Hera was a Greek Goddess, her Roman counterpart was Juno. Juno was the protector and special counselor of the state. Her aspect was war like.

What was the Greek name of the Roman goddess Juno?

Juno's name in Greek mythology was Hera.

Roman goddess of marriage and women?

Juno the counterpart of Greek Hera.

What does the god hera mean in roman?

Hera is a Greek goddess, and her name comes close to meaning "Air".