

Is IO a planet

Updated: 12/9/2022
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8y ago

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No. Io is a moon as it orbits the planet Jupiter rather than the sun.

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Q: Is IO a planet
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What is planet Io?

Io is not a planet. It is one of the larger natural satellites (or moons) of the planet Jupiter.

Which planet has a moon named Io?

Jupiter has the Moon called Io - the most volcanically active object in our solar system.

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Io is a moon of Jupiter, not a planet. Surface gravity is about 18% of the gravity on Earth.

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Io is a moon of the planet Jupiter.

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Ganymede and Io are both moons of Jupiter.

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The moon Io looks the brightest from the surface of Jupiter. That's because Io is the closest moon to the planet. Io is the moon on the left of the planet.

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IO is a moon of Jupiter. Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun.

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How may moons does Io have?

None. Io is itself one of the moons of the planet Jupiter. No moon has its own moons.