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Yes... Pronouns that refer to God (He, Him, His, etc.) are also capitalized.

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Is he capitalized when referring to God?


Why do use capital letter in a word of GOD?

To show respect and reverance for God the Creator. If you are referring to a pagan diety, it is not capitalized.

When referring to a Greek god is the G capitalized?

No. Unless, maybe, you actually believe in the Greek gods.

What noun function is the word God?

This can be a regular noun or a proper noun. When referring to a monotheistic god, it is a proper noun and should be capitalized.

In the Bible when He is capitalized what is the different meaning?

When the word "He" in the Bible is capitalized it is done so to give honor to the "He" to whom it is referring; that "He" being God. You will find in the Bible that when ever a noun is used to denote God the first letter is always capitalized; examples being: God; Lord; Father; Spirit. When the noun used is referring to lesser spiritual being or man it begins with a small letter.

Should the word god be capitalized?

If you're referring to the Christian god, then it is usual to capitalise. If you're referring to other gods (such as Roman, Greek or Norse gods) then it is usual to use a lower case g.

Are 'communist' and 'communism' capitalized?

Communist should be capitalized when you are referring to someone in the Communist party. Similarly, Communism should be capitalized when you are referring to the Communist party.

Should home office be capitalized?

If you are referring to the TV show then yes it should be capitalized. If you are referring to an office in general then no it shouldn't be capitalized.

Is the word Burgundy capitalized?

The word "burgundy" is capitalized if one is referring to the French region of the same name. However, if one is referring to the color burgundy, then it is not capitalized.

Should omeros be capitalized?

It should be capitalized if referring to a name or a title.

Should southern man be capitalized when referring to an individual?

No it shouldn't be capitalized.

Is night capitalized after Halloween in sentence?

If you are referring to the night of Halloween, or Halloween night, night is not capitalized. If you are referring to the movie Halloween Night, then night is capitalized as it is the name of a movie.