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Q: Is James Carville and Mary Matalan still married?
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Nope, he is married to Suzy Amis now.

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Countess Vaughn is still married as of July of 2014. She married her husband, Joseph James, in 2002 and has children with him.

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James Drury married to Cristall Orton from 1957 to 1964 James Drury married to Phyllis Mitchell from 1968 to 1979 Yes, James Drury married to Carl Ann Head in 1979

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She never divorced him. She married him in 1922 and they were still married when he died in 1943. She divorced William Sanger in 1921.

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Yes, he was married to Lois Clarke in August, 1956. They are still married.

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yea there still dating no, john cena is married