

Is Jvm in the system

Updated: 11/21/2022
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14y ago

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The JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is a part of the JRE (Java Runtime Environment).

The JRE is comprised of the JVM and the Class Library.

The JVM takes the java language and compiles it into Bytecode which can then be interpreted as machine code by the platform(OS). The JVM will compile byte code specific to the OS it is being deployed upon. The JVM allows the Java language to be platform independent.

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Logically, for all intents and purposes the functionality of the JVM is the same in Windows and other operating systems, including Linux, Unix (and variants), z/os, etc. A Java program utilizing the JVM will run the same way on all the different platforms.

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A "platform" is whatever environment in which Java is running. This includes operating systems. A Java source file on compilation produces an intermediary .class rather than a executable file. This .class file is interpreted by the JVM. Since JVM acts as an intermediary layer.

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