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i dont understand what you are asking!

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Q: Is Mesopotamians idea or invention you believe will be the most important to humanity?
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What did Nietzsche believe about god?

that god was an invention of humanity, and that rational enlightenment led to humanity no longer needing god.

What kind of meat did Mesopotamians eat?

Scientists believe that the Mesopotamians ate goat, cow, and chicken.

Did Mesopotamians believe in the afterlife?

Yes, Yes they did.

What did the Mesopotamians believe?

polytheism, or the belief if many gods

What was the relationship of Christianity Judaism and Islam?

all of them believe in GOD. No difference, HUMANITY is the most important thing!

Did the Mesopotamians believe in more than one god?

Yes. yes they did

Do you still have faith in humanity?

why do you ask that? do you want my opinion? well i believe in humanity... why?

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The inventor of the Gatling gun believed that by having a weapon that produced heavy casualties, it would be a deterrent to wars.

What religions did Mesopotamians believe in?

paganism esp. SHAMANISM, ANIMISM, Lesser deities...

What did the Mesopotamians believe were the largest and most impressive temples linking heaven and earth?

A ziggurat

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The Puritans believed that humanity was damned because of Adam and Eve's sins.

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no religion but she believe in god and humanity