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Nowadays? No; it has been an independent country since the end of the Mexican Independence War against Spain (1810-1821).

Mexico was an overseas territory of Spain, meaning it was not considered a colony outright, but a territorial expansion belonging to the Spanish Empire.

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No. After a bloody war, Mexico became an independent nation on September 27, 1821.

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Mexico was a Spanish colony many years ago. Now it is an independent country

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When was Mexico ruled by the Spanish?

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Which was the first Spanish ruled country to win independence?

Mexico was the first Spanish-ruled county to win independence.

Which was the first Spanish-ruled country to win independence?

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Gold and silver mining.

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Was Mexico a colony territory or mandate of another country before independence?

Before its independence, Mexico was considered an overseas territory of the Spanish Crown. This means that it was treated as another Spanish province, and was ruled by a Viceroy, appointed by the Spanish Monarch.

Who was ruling Mexico?

From 1521 to 1821 Mexico was part of the Spanish Empire. It was an overseas territory ruled by successive viceroys, and known as the "Viceroyalty of the New Spain".

What nation ruled Mexico before they won their independence?

He was a Viceroy, appointed by the Spanish Crown. The last viceroy of the New Spain, before it became Mexico, was Juan O'Donoju (1762-1821)

How many people is Mexico ruled?

Mexico is ruled by its people - it is a democracy.