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Q: Is Nixon's economic policy liberal or conservative?
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Were the federalists conservative or liberal?

they were both liberal and conservative. In their strong or weak government policy, they were liberal. But they were conservative in that they believed in industry, big business, and rich controlling the government.

Which of president Gerald Ford's actions helped restore confidence in the government?

he continued richard nixons foreign policy

What was the main focus of nixons presidency?

foreign policy

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Bush was clearly a moderat LIBERAL. He would probably be considered a traditional liberal, because of his disatrous ultra-liberal economic policies, and his Neo-con stance on foreign policy, which is traditionally farily liberal. However, he was fairly right on social issues and so he would probably be fairly described as a Moderate Liberal who chose the wrong party, similar to John McCain

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Nixons main forein policy goal was to seek normalization of relations.

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I'm an orange!

How did president Richard nixons foreign policy beliefs represent a change for the United States?

Nixon believed there was no longer a united worldwide communist movement

What is Nixons Chile policy?

President Nixon was a supporter of the Chliean dictator Augusto Pinochet.

What was Nixons foreign policy?

he was the first to visit china, and your welcome i answered ur question

Which best describes the economic philosophy shared by president Harding Coolidge and Hoover?

"conservative" seems like a good word to describe their policy.

Is being gay liberal or conservative?

It doesn't matter whether you are gay or not, in order be consider yourself liberal or conservative. Usually, conservatives have more moral objections to homosexuality, whether it is openly displayed or not. Liberals tends to be a bit more open-minded when it comes to homosexuality. Of course there are exceptions to be found in both groups. A liberal person can be liberal about things like euthanasia and abortion, and won't support gay marriage. Conservatives can maitain a very conservative policy towards politics or economics, and find less objections to supporting gay marriage or other similar issues.

What is conservative and liberal economic policy?

This is a complex question, and often draws biased and often nonsensical opinions from either side. As best as I can keep it unbiased and general: True conservative fiscal policy tends toward smaller government, less government spending and involvement in the market, and lower taxes. Conservative policy also tends to favor a less graduated tax rate, where the higher earners do not pay a larger percentage. True liberal fiscal policy tends toward more government regulations over business, higher government spending for the public good, and higher tax rates, especially for the rich and corporations. In the US today, neither the liberals or the conservatives are truly focused on their pure intentions. Instead, both parties are in favor of tax cuts and both are in favor of higher spending. They simply disagree about where the tax cuts should be made and what the funding should be spent on. Both parties shy away from true economic responsibility, because the idea is unpopular with voters.