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some plastics are and some aren't :)

As a general rule, the thicker, denser, and harder the plastic, the more likely it is to be nonporous

Plastics that are elastic, moldable, easily broken, think and lack density and toughness will be porous, for example, saran wrap or grocery bags

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Plexiglas has a nonporous surface.

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What is the difference between hard non-porous surface and soft non-porous surface?

I was curious as to the exact definition of these porous and nonporous because every time I picked up a cleaning supply it would always mention something about whether the product could be used on one or how to treat the area differently depending on whether it was one versus the other. Interestingly enough, a simple google search proved to be much more mystifying and arduous than I would have ever imagine because there was no straightforward answer and all the links characterizing porous v nonporous surfaces were mostly from scientific journals or .edu sites. But to be as concise and brief as possible, from what I gathered, there are a wide array of factors and characteristics to consider for any given material to determine porosity but the main gist is: Porous surfaces are anything that can be penetrated into beyond its outer surface due to either small or narrow spaces which allows absorption, low density, etc. It is porous, or not impermiable. Water, or any other liquid can pass through, for example. Nonporous surfaces on the other hand tend to be thick, dense, and solid do that nothing can permeate it beyond its outer-most surface. Examples of porous and nonporous materials: Porous: fabrics, unvarnished (unfinished) woods, cotton, carpeting, and unsealed tiles (depends on tile type but most need laminate) Nonporous: solid plastics, metal objects (stainless steel, aluminum, chrome, etc), glass of all forms, ceramic surfaces like dishes etc, varnished wood, laminate counters, granite, and vinyl

What are the elements that are used for plastics to shield Bremsstrahlung?

Plexiglas and lead are frequently used.

When was plexiglass invented?

Plexiglas was discovered by Walter Bauer and Otto Rohm of the Rohm and Haas company in Germany in 1933. some people, mostly Canadians, claim that William Chalmers discovered Plexiglas at McGill University, while a graduate student. He actually worked with an inferior plastic called poly(ethyl methacrylate) at a later date. Detailed references to the history of Plexiglas are available at the following link:

How do you get scratches out of glass and Plexiglas?

They are Janvil. Their site is . They have glass scratch removers for glass scratches and plastic polish

What are properties of mentals that are useful?

"Mentals"? I think you mean "Metals". There are several useful properties in metals. Its hardness and density are useful in building and constructing. Its smooth nonporous surface is useful in many different ways, its flexibility and endurance are great for making earth quake proof buildings and bridges.Look at the San Francisco bridge. Exponentially, there are no limit to the useful properties of metal. All you have to do is look it up.