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Q: Is Sunlight an example of an electromagnetic wave in nature?
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What type of wave is a light wave an example of?

Light is an example of a electromagnetic wave.

Is sunlight an electromagnetic wave?

yes,sunlight is an electromagnetic wave which consists of electric and magnetic fields which are mutually perpendicular to each other and these two are perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation

Is light considered a electromagnetic wave?

Light is said to be of dual nature so it has particle nature as well as wave nature but there is a difference in waves and electromagnetic waves. so ,as for your question "Is light a electromagnetic wave" the answer is "no"More precisely, if visible is not an electromagnetic wave, the NO part of the electromagnetic spectrum could be considered to be an electromagnetic wave. By any definition of the term, the answer is 'Yes'

An electromagnetic wave is an example of a?

electromagnetic pulse

Is a sound wave a electromagnetic wave in nature?

No. Sound waves are mechanical waves.

Can electromagnetic waves pass through vacuum?

Yes they can. Sunlight is just such a wave!

Is air an example of an electromagnetic wave?

No. -- A fruitcake is a mixture of solids. It is not an electromagnetic wave. -- A martini is a mixture of liquids. It is not an electromagnetic wave. -- Air is a mixture of gases. It is not an electromagnetic wave. -- White light is a mixture of electromagnetic waves. -- An FM radio signal is a mixture of electromagnetic waves.

How do electromagnetic waves behave?

They have dual nature , both wave and particle .

An example of a low energy electromagnetic wave is?


Do electromagnetic waves have too much energy to be refracted?

No. Light is an example of an electromagnetic wave.

Are radio waves a example of electromagnetic waves?

Yes, they are the electromagnetic wave with the lowest frequency.

Which is not a type of electromagnetic wave?

Sound waves aren't an electromagnetic wave. So aren't seismic waves. So aren't waves in the ocean, in your hair, or waves bye-bye.