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Actually the United States is a Market Economy. Some people also call it free enterprise or a capitalism. The US could also be a mixed economy because the government also owns some things like railroads and some businesses but it is more of a Market Economy. This is where you make choices on what you want to make, how much you want it to cost, you are free to do anything without little government interference. A traditional economy is quite old now, this is where you trade or barter than actually paying anything. A command economy is where the government tells you what to make, how much it will cost, and you have to deal with the government more. A mixed economy is where there is a mixture of economic systems.

To make it more plainer - The US could be either a Market or Mixed Economy but is more of a Market Economy!!

Hopes this helps :D

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Q: Is US a traditional command or mixed economy?
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The US economy is a mixed economy (in fact, almost every country today has a mixed economy.) I suggest wikipedia for a history of US economy.

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The prevailing US economic system is CAPITALISM, but there are a number of elements of corporatism, socialism, and traditional economics in the US economy, leading to it being properly termed as a "mixed economy".

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No, the US has a market economy a result of its capitalist policies, command economies can be found in communist countries.

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Yes, the US has a mixed economy, partially governmental, partially private enterprise.

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A mixed economy

Why is the US economic system called a mixed economy?

The characteristics of a market economy and command economy combine to form a mixed economy. It incorporates elements of both socialism and capitalism. In a mixed economy, state- owned enterprises and privately owned enterprises co-exist. The economic activities in such an economic system are controlled neither by the business entities that comprise market forces nor by the government. In a mixed economy, both of these come together and ensure economic development.