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12y ago

it is water sobule

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13y ago

Vitamin c is indeed water soluble.

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11y ago

vitamin b2 is a fat soluble

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Q: Is Inositol B8 water soluable or a fat soluable vitamin?
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Are all antioxidants fat- soluble vitamins?

No not all of them is fat soluble anti-oxidante there are two types water and fat soluable antioxidante such as Vitamin E is a lipid soluble antioxidante and vitamin C is a water soluble

What is the two main types of vitamins?

there are more that two but a couple are vitamin D and C

What do you mean by lipid soluable?

Lipids are fats. Vitamins are divided onto two types, those which are water soluable and those which are fat soluable. Fat soluable vitamins are A.D.E and K. Hope this helps.

is vitamin A is present in milk?

Yes. Vitamin A gives milk that slighly yellowish tinge. Vitamin A is fat soluable, that's why non-fat milk looks bluish. With all of the fat removed, there's no vitamin A to give it a yellowish color.

What do you mean by lipid?

Lipids are fats. Vitamins are divided onto two types, those which are water soluable and those which are fat soluable. Fat soluable vitamins are A.D.E and K. Hope this helps.

What are all types of vitamins?

There are MANY types of vitamins. Some are Vitamin A, C, D and E. Each of theses vitamins are catagorized as water soluable of fat soluable. Vitamin A is a fat soluable vitamin and CHILDREN should get about 600 units of it a day. Some foods high in Vitamin A are CARROTS, BROCCOLI, and LIVER. This vitamin helps improve your night vision, also. Vitamin C is a water soluable vitamin and an average TEENAGER should get 65units of it a day. Some foods high in Vitamin C are KIWI, GREEN BELL PEPPERS, and SPINICH. Vitamin C has many functions but some are- wound healing, helps absorb the body's iron, and it is important for brain function. Vitamin D is a FAT SOLUABLE vitamin and an average TEENAGER should get about 10units of it a day. Some foods high in Vitamin D are EGG YOLKS, FISH OILS, and MILK. This vitamin helps strengthen bones. The last vitamin (well there are MANY more but im listing these) is Vitamin E. An average TEENAGER should get about 15units of this a day. Some foods high in Vitamin E are NUTS, VEGETABLES, and AVACADOS. Vitamin E helps protect cells from damage. :-D

Difference between lipid soluble drug and water soluble drug?

lipid soluable means that it disolves in fat, and water soluable means it disolves in water.

Is phosphorus a fat or water soluble?

i beleive that potassium is fat soluble

Is oil amphiphilic?

No! Hydrophilic means it is water soluable. Oil (fat) is not soluable in water, so is hydrophobic.

Are fat-soluble vitamins less likely to be toxic than water-soluble vitamins?


Is Vitamin A fat or water solubility?


Is vitamin A a water sulable vitamin?

no, fat soluble